2026 Beneficiary Application
The Cathedral of St. Philip is delighted to invite your organization to apply to be the beneficiary of the 2026 Cathedral Giving by Design (CGBD) fundraising event. Now in it's 4th year, Cathedral Giving By Design builds on the 50+ year history of the Cathedral Antiques Show, giving it a modern twist. The goal of the event is to raise funds and build community support for a different Atlanta area non-profit organization each year. Please mark your calendars for January 23-24, 20206!
​The Beneficiary Application for the 2026 CGBD is available HERE. The application includes important dates for the beneficiary selection process as well as an outline of the required documentation and supplemental information. Please note that the application is DUE on or before 11:59 PM on March 31, 2025, and it will ONLY be accepted in this electronic format.
Once your application is received, we will send you a confirmation email. Should you not receive an email in a timely manner, please contact the us at applications@cathedralgivingbydesign.org. Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to receiving your application.